Roughly 70 to 85 percent of people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives. Many cases of lower back pain are the result of a muscle strain. The good news is that such back pain generally heals quickly in a few weeks or months. Depending on the causes of lower back pain treatments can vary from person to person, so it is generally advisable to get a comprehensive back pain diagnosis from an experienced medical professional.
Roughly 70 to 85 percent of people have experienced back pain at some point in their lives. Many cases of lower back pain are the result of a muscle strain. The good news is that such back pain generally heals quickly in a few weeks or months. Depending on the causes of lower back pain treatments can vary from person to person, so it is generally advisable to get a comprehensive back pain diagnosis from an experienced medical professional.

Causes of Back pain:
Mechanical problems: A mechanical problem is due to the way your spine moves or the way you feel when you move your spine in certain ways. Perhaps the most common mechanical cause of back pain is a condition called intervertebral disc degeneration, which simply means that the discs located between the vertebrae of the spine are breaking down with age. As they deteriorate, they lose their cushioning ability. This problem can lead to pain if the back is stressed. Other mechanical causes of back pain include spasms, muscle tension, and ruptured discs, which are also called herniated discs.
Injuries: Spine injuries such as sprains and fractures can cause either short-lived or chronic back pain. Sprains are tears in the ligaments that support the spine, and they can occur from twisting or lifting improperly. Fractured vertebrae are often the result of osteoporosis, a condition that causes weak, porous bones. Less commonly, back pain may be caused by more severe injuries that result from accidents and falls.
Acquired conditions and diseases: Many medical problems can cause or contribute to back pain. They include scoliosis, which causes curvature of the spine and does not usually cause pain until mid-life; spondylolisthesis; various forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis; and spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. While osteoporosis itself is not painful, it can lead to painful fractures of the vertebrae. Other causes of back pain include pregnancy; kidney stones or infections; endometriosis, which is the buildup of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus; and fibromyalgia, which causes fatigue and widespread muscle pain.
Infections and tumors: Although they are not common causes of back pain, infections can cause pain when they involve the vertebrae, a condition called osteomyelitis, or when they involve the discs that cushion the vertebrae, which is called discitis. Tumors, too, are relatively rare causes of back pain. Occasionally, tumors begin in the back, but more often they appear in the back as a result of cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.
Although the causes of back pain are usually physical, it is important to know that emotional stress can play a role in how severe pain is and how long it lasts. Stress can affect the body in many ways, including causing back muscles to become tense and painful.
Depending upon the cause and type of pain, physiotherapists treat back pain in a variety of ways. Advice and early activity (recent research indicates that one of the most important treatments for low back pain is movement). Mobilisation/manipulative physiotherapy, McKenzie therapy, Specific core stabilisation exercises, Stretches, Ergonomic advice and Postural advice.
THERMOTHERAPY is given as Superficial and Deep heat. Infra red rays and hydrocollator packs will produce heat upto the subcutaneous tissues and decrease pain and relieve muscle spasm. Shortwave Diathermy(SWD) heats deeper structures like muscles, ligaments, and bones.
ULTRASOUNIC THERAPY penetrates more deeper than SWD and used for both acute and chronic pain. It helps to drive Xylocaine, analgesic and hydrocortisone deeper into the tissues, joint capsules and ligaments as Phonophorosis.
TRACTION stretches the spinal muscles and ligaments and relive intradiscal pressure. Distracts vertebral body and facet joints, widens the intervertebral foramen and relieves pressure in the nerve roots. Types of tractions.
INTERFERENTIAL THERAPY/ TENS are used to increase the blood circulation and it reduces the pain by PAIN GATE THEORY.TENS used to drive some analgesic through transdermal technique.
SPINAL MANIPULATION/ MOBILIZATION Manipulation is a skill technique, in which manual force is applied gently within or beyond the active range of motion. It sets the misalignments of the spinal vertebrae right back to be pain free.
Relieves muscle spasm, sets right vertebral malposition, reduction of prolapsed disc by tightening the longitudinal ligament & freeing the adhesions. Stimulate large alpha fibre and block nocioceptic pain. Techniques 1.Stretch technique- useful in joint capsule is contracted. 2.Thrust technique- useful in joint which exhibits hard stop in one direction 3.Oscillation technique- Employed in recently injured joint. 4.Rotation & side body technique- Useful in facet joint locking or restorations.
EXERCISE Exercise will reduce pain, strengthen the weak muscles, stretch the contracted muscles, ligaments and capsules, reduce mechanical stress on spinal structures, and improve spinal mobility & posture.
Forward bend attitude Sleep in prone position
Proper weight lifting method Sit and stand for prolong time
Use proper chair with lumbar support Wearing high heels
While driving raise the knees Use too high Chair
Pain is an evil, till we conquer it.
Mechanical problems: A mechanical problem is due to the way your spine moves or the way you feel when you move your spine in certain ways. Perhaps the most common mechanical cause of back pain is a condition called intervertebral disc degeneration, which simply means that the discs located between the vertebrae of the spine are breaking down with age. As they deteriorate, they lose their cushioning ability. This problem can lead to pain if the back is stressed. Other mechanical causes of back pain include spasms, muscle tension, and ruptured discs, which are also called herniated discs.
Injuries: Spine injuries such as sprains and fractures can cause either short-lived or chronic back pain. Sprains are tears in the ligaments that support the spine, and they can occur from twisting or lifting improperly. Fractured vertebrae are often the result of osteoporosis, a condition that causes weak, porous bones. Less commonly, back pain may be caused by more severe injuries that result from accidents and falls.
Acquired conditions and diseases: Many medical problems can cause or contribute to back pain. They include scoliosis, which causes curvature of the spine and does not usually cause pain until mid-life; spondylolisthesis; various forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis; and spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. While osteoporosis itself is not painful, it can lead to painful fractures of the vertebrae. Other causes of back pain include pregnancy; kidney stones or infections; endometriosis, which is the buildup of uterine tissue in places outside the uterus; and fibromyalgia, which causes fatigue and widespread muscle pain.
Infections and tumors: Although they are not common causes of back pain, infections can cause pain when they involve the vertebrae, a condition called osteomyelitis, or when they involve the discs that cushion the vertebrae, which is called discitis. Tumors, too, are relatively rare causes of back pain. Occasionally, tumors begin in the back, but more often they appear in the back as a result of cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.
Although the causes of back pain are usually physical, it is important to know that emotional stress can play a role in how severe pain is and how long it lasts. Stress can affect the body in many ways, including causing back muscles to become tense and painful.
Depending upon the cause and type of pain, physiotherapists treat back pain in a variety of ways. Advice and early activity (recent research indicates that one of the most important treatments for low back pain is movement). Mobilisation/manipulative physiotherapy, McKenzie therapy, Specific core stabilisation exercises, Stretches, Ergonomic advice and Postural advice.
CRYOTHERAPY is indicated for acute back pain, it reduces pain, swelling and muscle spasm. Cold packs is used during first 24-48hrs and is found to be very effective.THERMOTHERAPY is given as Superficial and Deep heat. Infra red rays and hydrocollator packs will produce heat upto the subcutaneous tissues and decrease pain and relieve muscle spasm. Shortwave Diathermy(SWD) heats deeper structures like muscles, ligaments, and bones.
ULTRASOUNIC THERAPY penetrates more deeper than SWD and used for both acute and chronic pain. It helps to drive Xylocaine, analgesic and hydrocortisone deeper into the tissues, joint capsules and ligaments as Phonophorosis.
TRACTION stretches the spinal muscles and ligaments and relive intradiscal pressure. Distracts vertebral body and facet joints, widens the intervertebral foramen and relieves pressure in the nerve roots. Types of tractions.
INTERFERENTIAL THERAPY/ TENS are used to increase the blood circulation and it reduces the pain by PAIN GATE THEORY.TENS used to drive some analgesic through transdermal technique.
SPINAL MANIPULATION/ MOBILIZATION Manipulation is a skill technique, in which manual force is applied gently within or beyond the active range of motion. It sets the misalignments of the spinal vertebrae right back to be pain free.
Relieves muscle spasm, sets right vertebral malposition, reduction of prolapsed disc by tightening the longitudinal ligament & freeing the adhesions. Stimulate large alpha fibre and block nocioceptic pain. Techniques 1.Stretch technique- useful in joint capsule is contracted. 2.Thrust technique- useful in joint which exhibits hard stop in one direction 3.Oscillation technique- Employed in recently injured joint. 4.Rotation & side body technique- Useful in facet joint locking or restorations.
EXERCISE Exercise will reduce pain, strengthen the weak muscles, stretch the contracted muscles, ligaments and capsules, reduce mechanical stress on spinal structures, and improve spinal mobility & posture.
Forward bend attitude Sleep in prone position
Proper weight lifting method Sit and stand for prolong time
Use proper chair with lumbar support Wearing high heels
While driving raise the knees Use too high Chair
Pain is an evil, till we conquer it.